Apr 9, 2018
by Charlotte Iserbyt In 42 B.C. Cicero said “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves...
Apr 9, 2018
by Charlotte Iserbyt Nothing much shocks this writer anymore. The misnamed Patriot Act, the Orwellian Office of Homeland Security, Bush’s alliance with ex-KGB Putin, the trampling on our God-given rights through UN treaties, the United Nations Lifelong Education...
Apr 4, 2018
Mar 30, 2018
by Charlotte Iserbyt – Exclusive to LFODR in 2018 Is it pro-American? Is it what you think it is? Note: It is important to remember that the Heritage Foundation has prepared policy guidelines for all Republican Administrations, including the President and all...
Mar 30, 2018
by Charlotte Iserbyt Fascinating Story behind the boycott of Soviets in the Classroom… [Soviets in the Classroom… America’s Latest Education Fad, written in 1986, was published in 1989. The delay in publication date to 1989 is an interesting story in...