American Kompromat by Craig Unger

LFODR Staff Think about it... what would you have done differently if you wanted to install a leader who would destroy the GOP, the party that is supposed to represent American conservatism and Constitutional law? This book does not rely on any 'reports' that came out...

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The Tragedy of Donald J. Trump

LFODR Staff The more intelligent among us always knew that “Q” was a bunch of teens posting from their parents’ basements to a porno message board. These were gamers who created a "live action role play" (LARP) that sadly, many foolish adults took seriously. Michael...

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The Return of the Gullibles

Trump's supporters are now fully brainwashed by the fake QAnon craze which was started on a teen message board but is also being promoted by adults such as Jerome Corsi and Alex Jones (disinfo agents), Steve Pieczenik (former CIA psychologist) and others who should...

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The Hijacking Of The Traditional Conservative Movement

by Charlotte Iserbyt This is an update of 4-12-2018 to a previous article. Be sure to listen to the AUDIO. (A) The Heritage Foundation Agenda 1. Heritage Foundation's Stuart Butler, UK origin, was involved in Heritage Foundation policy making from 1969 to 2014 when he...

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US-Russian Merger: A Done Deal?

by Charlotte Iserbyt In 42 B.C. Cicero said "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among...

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Kissinger Out of the Closet

by Charlotte Iserbyt Nothing much shocks this writer anymore. The misnamed Patriot Act, the Orwellian Office of Homeland Security, Bush's alliance with ex-KGB Putin, the trampling on our God-given rights through UN treaties, the United Nations Lifelong Education Plan...

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Council for National Policy: What Is Its Agenda?

by Charlotte Iserbyt - Exclusive to LFODR in 2018 Is it pro-American? Is it what you think it is? Note: It is important to remember that the Heritage Foundation has prepared policy guidelines for all Republican Administrations, including the President and all Cabinet...

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Soviets in the Classroom: America’s Latest Education Fad

by Charlotte Iserbyt Fascinating Story behind the boycott of Soviets in the Classroom... [Soviets in the Classroom... America’s Latest Education Fad, written in 1986, was published in 1989. The delay in publication date to 1989 is an interesting story in itself....

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